08 January 2013

Using salt to generate configuration for remote checks

This is part #2 in my series about salt and icinga. Check out part #1

Who likes writing icinga configuration ? Certainly not me. But I have a configuration management and remote execution system called Salt that can help me alleviate my pain. The two pronged attack consists of:

The gen_icinga_conf.py script should be run on the icinga server, it publishes the command nrpe.list_checks (which the master must have configuration to allow it) and then spits out icinga configuration to stdout.

The weak part about this solution is that it requires every minion with NRPE configuration to be answering. So care will have to be taken to remove configuration for minions that aren't responding. The configuration generation script could write each host and each check into separate files for example, then this script would only overwrite current configuration, never remove any existing host. This code was just meant as a proof of concept and does not take such considerations.

The salt utility module for NRPE


#!/usr/bin/env python
Icinga NRPE utility functions for salt

# Import python libs
import os
import argparse
import re

# Import salt libs
import salt.utils
from salt.exceptions import SaltException

def __virtual__():
    Only load the module if nrpe is installed
    if os.path.exists('/etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg'):
        return 'nrpe'
    return False

def _get_conf(fname='/etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg'):
    fp = salt.utils.fopen('/etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg', 'r')
    return fp.read()

def run(name):
    Look in the conf for name and run the command configured. Return the retcode and output
    cmd = re.search(r'command\[%s]=(?P<command>.*)' %name, _get_conf())
    if cmd:
        command = cmd.groupdict()['command']
        return __salt__['cmd.run_all'](command)
        return 'Command with name "%s" not found' %name

def list_checks():
    ret = {}
    cmd = re.findall(r'^command\[(?P<name>.*?)]=(?P<command>.*)', _get_conf(), re.MULTILINE)
    for found in cmd:
        ret[found[0]] = found[1]
    return ret

The salt local client


#!/usr/bin/env python
# Import the Salt client library
import salt.client

def generate_conf():
    ''' Find all dommands in nrpe.cfg and generate the correct icinga conf '''

    template = '''
define service {
    use                    generic-service
    host_name              %(hostname)s
    active_checks_enabled  0
    service_description    %(servicename)s
    check_command          check_nrpe_1arg!check_ntp
    caller = salt.client.Caller()
    ret = caller.function('publish.publish', '*', 'nrpe.list_checks')
    conf = []
    for minion in sorted(ret):
        if type(ret[minion]) != type({}): continue # nrpe undefined on minion
        for servicename, command in ret[minion].items():
            mconf = template % {'hostname':minion, 'servicename': servicename}
    print '\n'.join(conf)


Let's see if it works:

# python gen_conf.py

define service {
    use                    generic-service
    host_name              icinga 
    active_checks_enabled  0
    service_description    check_ntp
    check_command          check_nrpe_1arg!check_ntp
define service {
    use                    generic-service
    host_name              icinga 
    active_checks_enabled  0
    service_description    check_ntp
    check_command          check_nrpe_1arg!check_ntp

Also read